Tuesday, 21 April 2015


This commentary was written before the coalition of APNU+AFC. Still relevant.


Time has passages. It writes the story of a country, the passages of its sorrow, passages of its pain, passages of its suffering and……..
Ours is missing the passages of its joy. That we shall have soon. And soon can’t come quick enough for the celebration of good governance.
We eagerly await ELECTION DAY-all those who oppose the regime of the People’s Progress Party.
In Ecclesiastes 3, it is written, ”A Time for Everything.”
Time has come to choose a NEW PATH.
A path, I ENCOUAGE the YOUNG citizens to FOLLOW.
For fear exists in the land. No longer hidden. No longer an assumption of distrust. It is a practiced discrimination by the electorate. Afro will choose the PNC/APNU. The PPP and AFC battle for the Indo votes. The Amerindians free to choose one of these entities whose spell they happen to fall under. 
Imagine the People’s Progressive Party dominance of over their Indo supporters. Fearful is the AFC of the backlash of their portion of Indo supporters, if they stood side by side with PNC/APNU, at the rally against the Proroguing of Parliament.
YOU KNOW, TO CONTINUE in this existing political climate, IS TO BE LOST FOREVER in confrontation. Such a scenario do no good for the country-it will ALWAYS leave us divided.
A clear majority is needed to move us forward in trust.
Time for the PATH that molds us as one people, one nation with one a common destiny.
YOUNG PEOPLE, this is your opportunity. Embrace your future.
This is your era.   
Young Amerindians, stand up and be significant in the development of your country.
Afro-Guyanese youths balance this nation with your fellow countrymen-the young Indo-Guyanese, the young Amerinds and the young of the other Races. For we are all Guyanese.  
Today, by the touch of a keypad you can access information from any time in history and of any culture.
Young People you can read of your past.  You are from a people with a history of suffering, pain and sorrow. IT IS YOUR RIGHT to usher in JOY in this country.
I urge you to be hungry and desperate for a new season. For it is your season. Seize the day and the moment. You are a chosen generation after centuries of hardships. Do it with all your might. Be like a meteor that is destined to consume anything in the old path. Seek for the citizens a new PATH.
And the people can say (Psalm 126), “The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy.”

It is empowerment. And Local Government Elections is the bedrock upon which progress and empowerment is built upon. To deny you these elections is to deny you a say in the affairs of your country. Relinquishing your power to a centralized group of men and women far removed from your communities. You should be a stake holder in your country and if you have the talent to rise economically then we should have a government that bolster your aspirations-giving support, advice and directions to make your dreams a reality. We need a government that permit Guyanese of all walks of life to develop businesses and benefit from the richness of the land-its gold, timber, etc, etc. I believe in Guyanese first. Foreign investments is not only to extract our riches, but to learn from and eventually be their competitors.
The world was intended to be a sweet place.
No one wants to die but live forever-Guyana is a sweet place. But there are men whose works are mischievous, bringing misery into the lives of others-mostly to the masses.
Happiness is a comfort-it is only attainable if we care for one another. And democracy gives us all a say in the paths that we choose as a nation.
But Democracy demands Wisdom.
This election is about your empowerment, your knowledge, your wisdom and your destiny as one nation. It is all about your Democracy.
1)       No effort must be spared to empower Amerindians.
Opportunities in Guyana Defence Force will be opened to them. A contingent in the army with be created wholly for these citizens. Capable youths of male and female willing to participate will be educated to highest level at an accelerated pace. Their services are urgently needed to supervise and monitor our resources in the hinterland.

2)      An Elite Armed Services will be created, comprising of talented from the ranks of the existing GDF and contingent of the Amerindians. Reflective of the races of the nation. They will be the eyes and ears of the country. Trained to fly within our air space, operate ocean going vehicles to provide safety to our fishermen within our territorial waters and hasten over land with modern equipment to protect our sovereignty.  Our intelligence gathering to protect our God given inheritance will be spared no cost.   
As a citizen of Guyana, if you were wronged in any way by the previous governments (after independence) you will be urged to come forward with your case. This includes those who were deviously robbed through corruption of their properties of house and land. Leased lands that was repossessed by the government without compensation. If government officials dismantled your living quarters and caused your family hardships, you will be heard. Cases will be heard by a selective body of professionals. If it warrants a judicial decision, it will be forwarded to a special court set up for expeditious judgement.  This country is yours and you must come first in all facets of its development. No Guyanese, regardless of education or influence are ever allowed to disrespect their fellow citizens no matter what level of the society they may find themselves.
Corruption is a detriment to any type of business-large or small. It diminishes profitability, competition and the desire to invest in yourself-the entrepreneurial spirit. Further, it creates an elite class with ill- gotten gains. Such class of individuals are repressive to superiors as well as subordinates-for they are a people who care less about nation building and more on chaos of the society. Under such systems they excel in their corruptions.
This Movement will discourage all foreign importation. I want to emphasize discourage not banned. The emphasis is to manufacture every possible commodity that we consume. Thereby creating businesses and employment opportunities for Guyanese.  We will as a governing body encourage and assist in the development of the Fashion Industry, Music Industry, Film-making and documentaries to tell our stories. We have a history and there is the need for us to be entertained by our joys, pains and hurts. Individually we experience life and collectively as a nation, together we all share in the experiences of life.   
Some might argue, “Where are we going get the money to do this?”  By an ordered and well organized taxation system we will collect every penny of taxes owing to the State. Be it foreign or local entities.
Our places of higher learning will develop programmes to train Guyanese to undertake all the infra-structure work necessary to make us a First-World nation.
Every Industrial Estate will have the necessary facilities to generate electricity for production. Localized power generation, reduces cost of electricity also maintenance costs. Security will be a priority, to protect the investments of those who dared to dream the progress of a country.
Copyright laws will be enacted to guarantee the royalties which you richly deserve for your efforts. 
We are going to add value to every piece of raw material that we extract from the land. It is a priority for Guyana. For a Home-based population of less than a million, we should have better standard of living. We have in diaspora perhaps an equal amount hoping to return to the place of their birth-a place free of crime and corruption.
And much more will be done.
We cannot escape the Racism that exists in this country. And to say, it is not there, is to fool one self.  In particular, we have Guyanese who write continually on the marginalization of Afro-Guyanese. And I cannot predict when this nation will be able to embrace itself with the races of people we proudly say we have in our midst. But we must do what must do to develop a country for all.  We have seen political parties that have trampled on the civil rights of ethnic groups in our history. And we never know when again such men would come out of the woodwork and receive approval of their constituents. EVEN THOUGH, I WOULD CANVASS FOR EVERY VOTE with the hope of denying every other political party an elected seat in parliament. I would promote among many other things that the AFC, PNC, PPP and every other political party receive equal funding and air time. Contesting an election should never be a battle, a war or denying. We should share the common goals of making the country a better place. Instead of what is being done now, prohibiting those who wish to govern by every conceivable means.

Velutha Kuttapen


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