Wednesday, 10 December 2014


My Countrymen:
That should be the theme of the Upcoming Elections.
Although, LIMITED in many ways, we shall overcome.
Just as the citizens of this country are LIMITED. So also is the Combined Opposition- LIMITED in its campaign outreach. These limits has to be broken. We must remove the shackles of race politic from our minds. Rid ourselves of the distrust which devious men and women use to abuse the privilege we bestowed upon them-as a government.
Ideas of division limits our lives personally. And if you are limited, then you limit the progress of this country.
WE MUST ASPIRETO BE HONOURABLE CITIZENS. We must love our country. And we must be proud of our country. It is what we make of it.     
Unknowingly, we allowed racial politics to dominate us for the last 64 years. It must end. A whole generation of our families have died that never saw the pride of an independent nation.  We have nurtured a fragile country.   
Many are beseeching the President to reconvene Parliament in a timely manner. I gave him December 10, 2014. And his time is up.
I tell you what he is planning. And he must be stopped. He is going to re-convene Parliament after five months. Then allow the No-Confidence vote. Then take time to set the date for an election towards the end of 2015.
Truth is truth. And it is expected from this President, likewise from any lowly citizen. It is no longer about the government. It is all about this One Man and his Parade.
The President’s confidence in his disrespect for the Guyanese People-those who openly protest and those who object quietly is strengthened by our own fellow citizens who are part of his Parade. The Amerindians who adorn themselves with headdress and Parade with him. The East Indians who adorn his neck with mala. The few Afro-Guyanese who inflate his ego-whispering in his ears that he is doing the right thing. And the few Portuguese who sing praises to an act that is WRONG.
I wouldn’t even say please. YOU PEOPLE NEED TO STOP THE SUFFERING in this country.       
The Scriptures say, “Words are a Spirit and Life.” The President entertained a large gathering for Carol Singing. Did the attendees grasp the words they sang or was sung to them?
I am reminded of the Plantation Owners who preached and praised God and yet denied their slaves human privileges.
We have an Alien in our midst. What manner of man in a civilized culture would to think it is okay to disrespect the human privileges of the majority. A bully would be worried but not an Alien-such a Being is void of rational reasoning and feeds on those who are part of his Parades.
If I sound upset, that is because, it is simply not right for One Man to DICTATE to the masses and carry on as if everything is just fine.
The mid-night hour of 2015 must not dawn upon us without a confirmed date of elections. A campaign must be mounted to press for a date.
The President has become an enemy to Good Governance. For his contempt and disrespect, perhaps he should truly see a gathering of people who worship and praise God for their deliverance. Once before, the Africans did that under the tyranny of the Plantation Owners.
Today the Whites are gone. The sufferers are Guyanese of Amerindians, Africans and East Indians descent. And the new Tyrants, now lives at Pradoville.
The People’s Progressive Party seems to LIMIT the Combined Opposition. But those limits will disappear in Jesus name. For the men and women of the People’s Progressive Party, it shall be as 2 CHRONICLES Chapter 20.
People gather at the Square of the Revolution, sing and praise (absolutely no preacher) God for his deliverance. I shall come to you in the celebrations. And you shall witness the gathering of your fellow countrymen-all six races. They shall come from afar. And each gathering shall grow in multitude.

Velutha Kuttapen

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