These letter writers, all of them must know that things have changed in Guyana. Elections can be replaced with armed conflict, on both sides. And the citizens will all be defeated.
The Mingo fiasco has given the country an ideal opportunity to recognize what the future holds.
To hand over to Jagdeo is to hand over Guyana's progress to a group of narrow minded indians representing the PPP. This party in its 23 years of governance did absolutely nothing for race relations, all their infra-structure work keeps tumbling down, never had plans for sustainable employment, power generation is a mess, judicial system is a tragedy for the poor man, no justice for those without PPP connections.
As for the Police and Army, the PPP NEVER demanded for non-Afroes to join. And put in place policies to ensure discriminations were not a hinderance to that policy. Now, they are concerned about the ethnic structure of the police and army. Any nation on the face of the earth will want intergration of the citizen defensive forces.
The PPP is not an originator of nation building ideas, dey juss flow wid what unfolds. The PNC neither is an originator of sound policies.
David A. Granger has been considered to be a God-fearing man, a military strategist and tactician. Perhaps, with those attributes he intends to mold Guyana a new destiny. I am certain he knows the Almighty and how powerful He is, even though invisible to him. Is that his strategy?
I am hoping he has the wisdom of Solomon, for it was King Solomon who united the twelve tribes of Israel. Guyana has only six tribes to deal with, we call Six Peoples of Guyana.