To My Brother-in-Christ, David Arthur Granger.
My formative years were in a wonderful progressive village, Rosignol. Those years molded principles of life upon a solid foundation. "Doing the right thing", stressed by village mentors.
Be principled.
Events of 1955, brought to the forefornt of daily living, race issues throughout the colony. In that wonderful place of Negroes, Indians, three Chinese families, a Frenchman, a Portuguese family, Mulatto, Dougla, Mixed People of Chinese, Indians and Negroes, people shared. And to everyone, the people of African decent were referred to as Cousins, out of respect.
Kind and wonderful villagers became suspicious of their neighbours on the issue of race.
The Distrust that followed has always be troubling to me. Words, hateful thoughts and the actions of unconscionable men and women resulted in the loss of lives and property.
We failed to treat our neighours as we would hope for them to treat us.
Time gives us unique moments and we have had a few over the decades.
When Forbes, took over the country, he failed to govern in the interest of all the people. Instead, he failed the principles of the state of one people one nation one destiny. Many departed. Those that remained faced prejudices from the ardent supporters of Forbes. The first failed opportunity
After twenty eight years, in nineteen ninty two, came Cheddie. Years in opposition, he learn't nothing and so he brought nothing to the country to ease the Distrust when he took over. He too failed-the second failed opportunity.
The Janet and Jagdeo years only further more Distrust. They both presented Sam Hinds to the Afro-Guyanese seriously as someone who will never be the President of Guyana because he had no clout in the Peoples Progressive Party. The third failed opportunity.
The organization of the PPP squandered twenty three years of time to heal the most important division in the nation. That affects stability and progress.
The emergence of David Arthur Granger.
The Peoples National Congress, an organization known for moderates and extremists in relation to Guyanese of Indian decent. Whether mystical, pre-destined or prophetical, the PNC gave you David, their Mantle to stand in arena of Guyanese politics and present your principles and vision to every Guyanese.
In your wisdom , APNU to bridge the divide.
My prayers for decades, like so many other Guyanese all over the world, "Please Lord, let my country find Your Peace."
I saw on Social Media, your prayerful position seeking the Lord on your knees. Your words were silent. And I prayed that the Lord favors you. Because He knows your heart. Men and women felt your honesty, home and abroad. I prayed, we should meet to share the zeal for the Lord and to encourage your efforts to do the right things for Guyana.
How was I to meet you.
Some weeks later, I received word that you were coming to Toronto on a Breakfast Meeting. Living seventy miles away required me to leave home early for the journey to Toronto. So, I made my plans but there were continual efforts not to sell me a ticket for the Breakfast Meeting. First, there were lots of interest from people in Toronto and I was living too far away. I said to the Lord, "I am entrusting all of this to you O'Lord." Then, there was caution that if I were to be late I would not be allowed in. After a week, I gave up not receiving the ticket. I received a call from one of the organizers, that I am guaranteed a ticket when I arrived at the venue.
On that day, we briefly met, shaking hands. We started to chat. Suddenly, there was a commotion in the hall. The entourage of Moses Nagamootoo had arrived. We were interrupted.
I listened to your words. There was a vision for every man, woman and child for several generations. You were the leader, the Statesman, the Builder of a Nation with Justice on your mind. A man with the Wisdom of Solomon to serve a troubled country.
After the elections, on social media I saw your attendance at worship services.
After victory, I saw the swearing in ceremonies at Parliament Buildings. The event had the tones of a Righteous Man taking the oath to do Honor and Justice in the Sight of God
That was all on track for the groundwork to fulfilling your vision.
News of your decisions and actions were contrary to the audible words you made in public. Nothing that seems to heal a nation. You were in the counsel of the ungodly.
I asked myself, how could I have been so wrong.
You became a mole in the APNU for the PNC when you should have risen to the challenge of a Shepherd to the troubled six races of people of Guyana.
Both, you and I, knows that God never makes a mistake. He is sure to leave remnants as reminders to prayerful requests. He left Noah for a new world in Enoch's request. He saved Moses to lead the Jewish people as a promise to Abraham.
Once again, Guyana is in the throes of racial conflicts and disturbances.
I am the remnant to you, not for Guyana. Your words of righteousness and the good life to the people of Guyana came from you. And the electorate gave you the opportunity to do right by them.
The godly men that surrounds you should uphold you in righteousness.
Your words to the people of Linden, " For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."
It is said, when a God-fearing person receives the words from God, he hear the words in the voice of his mentor. In the case of Samuel, he heard Eli's voice when God called him. For me, immediately my thoughts goes back to my youthful days of the village mentors..
When you seek God, examine your immediate thoughts.
There isn't an easy solution for the current situation Guyana. You need to ask for the wisdom of Solomon. Not the PNC, for they will not give you the answers to please the nation.
For the Afro-Guyanese, I understand their fears and distrust of the Jagdeo cabal. Likewise the fears of Indo-Guyanese are real believing that rights and justice lies with their vote. Good leadership quells all fears, doubts and distrust. And Guyana lacks that.
These are trying times for the entire world and God in His word tells us of these time, Isaiah 26, verses 20 and 21.
God Bless you my Brother.
Velutha Kuttapen
These are trying times for the entire world and God in His word tells us of these time, Isaiah 26, verses 20 and 21.
God Bless you my Brother.
Velutha Kuttapen