Friday, 27 March 2015


It is said, “The evil that men do, lives after them.”
Definitely, the Jagans have wronged Guyana innumerable ways. It is not surprising an event to honour them would be celebrated with gyrating music and foul mouth speakers. The Jagans empowered each one of those who were on stage. It is cult worship of the pagan type.
The other five races of people should take serious note of Bharrat Jagdeo’s words.
This nation is cursed by the evil desires of men in power. First, the Jagans and their denial of God in the affairs of Guyana. Then Forbes Burnham and his proclamation of Obeah. Then Jim Jones and his mass murder. And now, we have Jagdeo’s gang. Soon in making the Jagans into gods for their personal use.
Are East Indians, that easily influenced into this cult worship and willing to offer up every other race in Guyana as sacrifice just to empower the hierarchy of the Peoples Progressive Party. 
It is a terrible trend. The Peoples Progressive Party have been charting some reckless maneuvers in their 65 years history.
A voice travelled in that history have much to tell.
A political organization with no administrative capabilities. No structure to its credit. Strong arm tactics. Bullies. No respect for protocol. And definitely, no respect for order. They incite their supporters to break the laws, because they themselves disrespect the laws of the country.
A review of history on the 1953 Suspension of the Constitution will show the recklessness of the PPP government. The leadership realized the power of persuasion they possessed when they incited the sugar workers of Enmore.  And the slaughtered are remembered as the Enmore Martyrs. Homage is paid to those fallen men each year. It is that single event which gave the People’s Progressive Party the momentum. The trade union for which they were determined to have recognized by the Sugar Producers Association was the milestone around the necks of the leadership. After, elected in 1953, the PPP was determined to force the hand of the SPA. Complete disrespect for the Crown, failing the realization of their position as the Queen’s Ministers.  They embarked on a campaign of initiating a Strike Call upon the sugar workers in British Guiana. They neglected the duties of their portfolios for the active campaign against the SPA. They were accused of sabotage. The rhetoric for sugar workers were Soviet laced.     
Disrespect to the Crown meant, object the laws of the Sovereign. It was lawlessness. Is it any wonder, they have matured fully in their destructive ways.
I hope this current brood of PPP supporters remember the ballot box martyrs. Was their blood spilt so that the Jagans would empower an unethical leadership to manage the affairs of the entire country much less their East Indian support base? Since 1992, the precedent had been set for what we are experiencing as a nation at this time of our history.
Death of C.B.  Jagan and the revolving use of Sam Hinds, sets the precedent for all other political alliances to do the same. Placing the country in tremors of racism-fail at governing as a nation in the Twenty-First century. Do East Indians agree to such things? Do they agree to this precedent? Such decisions and acts divide the country and empower evil doers to carry on without scrutiny. 
The PPP supporter said, “Since he gat sense he know only the PPP.” Naturally if that is all he knows, then it will be the PPP he will vote for. I can understand him saying that Nagamoottoo appears to be power drunk. Because that is what the PPP is saying. That is a Precedent that once a person is with the PPP, they can never leave. Even when the PPP is unjust to its supporters. What the PPP supporter said, regardless of how corrupt the PPP is, he is making his children to provide the PPP with a continuous stream of votes. Not only does the PPP supporter delegated himself to mental enslavement, but he also holds the Afro, the Amerinds and every other race into that mental enslavement. He has delegated them to this state of mind, simply by refusing to think of the consequences.  
The Jagans set the precedent for poor governance. Mrs. Jagan became President because a dying C.B. Jagan handed her a note. That single event set the precedent for devious men to seize power in the Peoples Progressive Party and circumvent the rules for leadership selection. They operate without any respect for those who voted against them. The PPP lacks the initiatives to govern as a government for all the people.    
Under the PNC regime, the pillar of justice was completely toppled. In 1992, the country began to experience the role of the justice system in a small way.  A writ was issued to Mrs. Jagan. Her objections to it, was simply to toss it to the wind. That act would set the precedent for the PPP to silently intimidate the Justice System. The laws and lawyers became prejudiced-honest citizens began to lose their lands and properties due to the corruption of the justice system.  
Then, there is the precedent of deliberate false statements. People are saying, Dr. Jagan wanted a National Front Government. Well, the ideal time for him to have done that was in 1992. Instead, he worked to empower a CIVIC movement. The efforts of that alliance disappeared, just as how the PNC overwhelmed TUF. It was never the intentions of the Jagans to have a National Front Government-that is equivalent to making fools of the citizens. Dr, Jagan always spoke about it, but had no intentions of doing it.  A similar false statement, is his words to Nagamootoo of being the leader of the PPP when he should die. He left no written record of his wishes.  Nagamootoo speaks of Cheddie’s efforts to join up with the PNC.  Yet in 1992 after the PPP victory where the winner takes all, he failed to offer the olive branch to the PNC. Now, there is talk that Cheddie would have formed a government with the opposition if faced with the current situation. Perhaps, only a temporary deal. He belaboured the constitution of L.F.S. Burnham but failed to even attempt amendments. His precedent resonated in the Peoples Progressive Party. There was never democratic practices in the Peoples Progressive Party, so how can they administer democracy to the country. Dr. Jagan loved to talk about things he had no intentions of doing. He loved to exhibit his poor life style. Perhaps, he had no dreams to aspire to. How a man who prides his poverty give hope to an Impoverished Nation?
It has not yet happened, when a poor man created employment for his fellow poor.
The Peoples Progressive Party never had a plan for Guyana. The attainment of power was their only goal.  With no plans for progress, the treasury is mismanaged and their responsibilities expected to be fulfilled by foreign entities.
Velutha Kuttapen

Wednesday, 11 March 2015


My country has once again killed one of its citizens. He was a man whose descendants carried him in their loins all the way from West Africa-one of the six races who inhabit this land. And he is no longer.  The  Europeans called this troubled land  the Wild Coast.

We are one half the tribes of Israel with heartaches that causes silent tears in every citizen lives.
Wisdom of King Solomon would be taxed for solutions to our racism.

I hope decent minded Guyanese -the governing kind, break ranks with their political entities and form a Savior Community to rescue this great land.

If only we could be helpful to each other.

Velutha Kuttapen.


My Countrymen.
Is that possible for the poor in Guyana?
I was moved some months ago as I read a commentary of a letter writer in the Kaieteur News. “A man with a placard stood in front of the office of the Minister of Home Affairs.”
He was wronged in some way. I do not what was his bereavement. Whatever it was, he felt compelled to take up the injustice in the public’s eye. His lone demonstration probably did not move anyone.
I was touched by his effort in trying to correct a wrong that was done to him. And there was no one who could help him. For my country has lost the pulse of its heart. Dead. Dead to Justice.
Even the government of the people disrespected him.
That Sunday, I went to church. There I was going to hear a sermon, which can only be grasped as a revelation.
“In a certain town there was a judge who neither feared God nor cared about men. And there was a widow in that town who kept coming to him with the plea, ‘Grant me justice against my adversary.’ For some time he refused……………”  It is a parable taken from the Book of Luke, Chapter 18.  
Dead to Justice. We were never this way as a colony. Our Justices, Judges, Magistrates and Lawyers were citizens who prided themselves in the practices of the rule of law.  Well organized courts, a place where citizens appeared for justice – the poor and the wealthy. Our judges knew the laws of the land as if committed to memory. And they ruled with a conscience guided by the statutes of God.
Politics of the fifties, assaulted that pillar of society. The Pillar of the Law. First, they demanded the police force refused the commands of the Colonial Powers. That simple request. At a time in our troubled history placed us squarely on the avenue of recklessness. Those who watched over our communities were compromised. And a thing like the Wismar Massacre did happen. 
Indiscretions made it easier for President Burnham to control the Police Force to suit his agenda. And the country spiralled into criminal acts on a large scale. Thieves designated their categories –Kitchen Thieves, Clothes Line Thieves, and so on and so on.  Like the people were psychologically damaged. The lack of the basic necessities forced the impoverished to do wrong to their fellow villagers.
Under the watch of President Hoyte, the society gained some grounds on fighting crime. It was like a breath of fresh air.  Excellent but short lived.
And once again, we are bombarded with crimes. But this time, much more horrendous. All of this took place under the watch of Presidents Cheddie Jagan, Samuel Hinds, Janet Jagan, Bharrat Jagdeo and Donald Ramotar. Today, even government officials flaunt the laws of the land.
The guardians of the Laws which is the government have become lawless themselves. They compromised the laws of the land. Their subordinates who are the judges, the magistrates and the lawyers acts as if their decisions are final. Who dare to question them? Don’t ever wait for a written response to an enquiry, the citizen will grow old. There are no recourses for the citizens.
The government doan care.
When there is no justice, anarchy waits round the bend. Fear and vindictiveness in the courts will hurry it along even quicker.
Such unfair practices upon the poor must come to an end. It has been said, “The arm of God is long and moves very slow, but eventually He will take hold of the ungodly.”  That is a promise of the Parable in Luke 18.
A change of those faces that govern is necessary. Guyana needs God fearing individuals to govern. Mediocre governance breathes contempt in all facets of a society.
It is important the social malaise not be viewed as an epidemic in ethnic groups but rather in the wider scope of all Guyanese.
Citizens are never to be powerless.
Be cognizant of your collective might.
And, at the end of days of this regime, just as the one they replaced, their faces will only be images of bad governances.
Future is in the hands of the beholder.  My countrymen behold your future.
Velutha Kuttapen.

Sunday, 8 March 2015


It is important to win just enough votes to form a government, but for the APNU+AFC it must be a rallying call for an overwhelming majority. For every pillar of our society has been wrecked asunder.
And only a very clear voice can re-build the society of the 65 years of the Peoples Progressive Party destruction.
Yes, it is 65 years. And they have set the precedent for bad governance.
If it were not for the policies of the Jagans, there would not have been those 28 years of Forbes Burnham and his Peoples National Congress. Familiarity of the history, a sane person can deduct the imprisoned minds the Burnhamite and Jaganite era instilled on the Guyanese society. Those men were like huge trees, rising in stature, towering canopy, firmly planted with deep roots. They and their political parties represented entrenched racism. As all towering trees blocks the rays of the sun from reaching the ground, no other vegetation can thrive in strength and stature.
Old trees need to be tumbled down.
Today, these old political organizations are plagued by their histories.
As a new day dawns in our political history, there must be a fervent announcement of its birth. The APNU+AFC.
This dawning comes with many notable men, but prominent among them are Granger and Nagamootoo. They themselves have emerged from the systems that ruined us from being a prosperous nation. And a great many citizens consider their voices as echoes from Freedom House and Congress Place.
There must be a Third Voice-a NEUTRAL VOICE with none of their political baggage. A voice of hope and aspirations to the citizens of Guyana. A voice that does not seek the political offices of an APNU+AFC government, but rather a voice that speaks to the people that they may know that he/she will be their contact after the victory. Because from our history, once politicians are elected, the public is forgotten until they are needed again.
This must not be so, ever again.
 And the APNU+AFC needs that third voice desperately. They have a David-Biblical David was a man after God’s own heart.  A Moses, they have also-Biblical Moses was legendary for leading the way of a people destined to be nation under The Almighty God. Noah, they need to find. And soon. For Biblical Noah was a remnant.
A voice travelled in the history of Guyana would have much to tell. That is Noah!  Find him.
For everything there is a season.
Sunlight finally broke through the era of Jaganites and Burnhamites. And new growth springs up from the shadowed ground.
APNU+AFC offers a choice to the Guyanese people.
The possibility of the dark days of PPP and PNC dominance could be over. If and only if the electorate chooses it.
And I sincerely hope they do. Only messengers and messages can help them make up their minds.
Velutha Kuttapen
Twitter:   Velutha Kuttapen@VeluthaK